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The rain is pouring as lonely as my heart in spite of the bliss brought to me by my new love. As I walk away from the school, I went to a store with a friend where I usually go. Unexpectedly, I saw a friend of mine waiting for her companions. I bought food and drinks for my friend before we left off for home. As we talk to the friend who was waiting, she told us that she was coming with her. The ‘she’ my friend was talking about was the one I loved for almost five (5) years. I know she was coming with someone whom she loved. I never doubted.
A few minutes later they walked in the store. By the moment I saw her, amazement was all over me. The looks that brought me adoration was still on her. I can’t talk to her. I know she is with the man I know she loves. So I had nothing to do. My friend and I continued to drink. We talked for a minute and I took a look at her. His hand was on her face and she was happy. By that time, I do not know how I am supposed to feel. All I can explain is that I’m half-glad because I am confident she would not be hurt. I’m half lonely, because I can’t be with her today.
By exactly 12:30 in the afternoon, I went to bed as “siesta”. I don’t usually do this, but I believed that if I sleep I’ll forget it.
I still can’t sleep.
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